
Showing posts with the label SAP S/4HANA Material Types

Configurational steps for the Material Types in the SAP S4 HANA

Configuration steps for the Material Types in SAP S4 HANA Below are the steps to customize the new material type in SAP Follow the path in sap as: SPRO - SAP Reference IMG - Logistics-General - Material Master - Basic Settings - Material Types - Define Attributes of Material Types        * Transaction code : OMS2           Below screen will appear Here you can select the any ref material type to copy from as shown below: Here taken the HALB as ref material type to copy If you are not able to find the material type then click on Position and search the required material type Select the material type and click on copy as option Enter your material type code upto 4 Characters and also you can change the description of the material type and press enter.  Save. Your new material type is created. If you want to do any changes then you can do as per requirement like view selection, po creation, price control etc. S...